Residential Services for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Residential Services for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Our Agency continues to be blessed each day by our supporters, our volunteers, our staff and long time believers in our mission that began in 1979 in a shoebox.
Our organizational expenses are 80% programming and 20% Administrative - keeping focused on our consumer.
Your contributions are tax deductible to our 501c3 charitable organization
Thank you for your generosity
Ladonna Chaney, President
Rod Elliott, Vice-President
April Welch, Secretary-Treasurer
Richard Delano, Director
Ryan Langford, Director
Helen Montgomery, Director
Josh Neal, Director
Dianne West, Director
Message from Board President:
I am honored to serve as President of this great Organization that serves those who are the most vulnerable. A
Ladonna Chaney, President
Rod Elliott, Vice-President
April Welch, Secretary-Treasurer
Richard Delano, Director
Ryan Langford, Director
Helen Montgomery, Director
Josh Neal, Director
Dianne West, Director
Message from Board President:
I am honored to serve as President of this great Organization that serves those who are the most vulnerable. A Dream of the original founders of this Organization, the Carter County Group Homes have grown over the last 39 plus years into a superior Organization through the dedicated work of both Leadership Staff and Service Staff. You cannot function one without the other. The main purpose of our existence is to serve those who cannot help themselves and I believe we do a wonderful job.
We have four Group homes, 2-Lone Grove, 2- Ardmore, that are kept in perfect condition by the staff and residents. Residents live a very normal life with their individual rooms, common areas, for meals and entertainment. Transportation provided via Vans for each Group home. The goal for our residents is to continue to build life skills needed to live a more harmonious life which would in turn welcome them into the community.
Due to the state of the economy in the last few years we have found it necessary to reach out for assistance for operating expenses. Our Adults with Intellectual Disabilities need us more than ever. The state falls short covering the need for daily supplies of our men and women but with your continued assistance those needs will be provided.
We have a strong organization with the best hard-working staff, dedicated supporters, and for over 39 years have stood true to our mission. The Carter County Group Homes operate on a conservative budget while serving our residents. We need your financial support to continue serving our residents, providing them with a place that is not only a home but a family.
If you would please take a few moments to look over the enclosed information and consider supporting our life changing program.
On behalf of the Board, Our Staff, and our Residents, We Thank you for your Support.
LaDonna Chaney
Tammy McArthur
Melissa OrtIz GHs #1 & #2 Ardmore
Robyn Ortiz GHs #3 & #4 Lone Grove
Jennifer Powell
49 Heritage
Ardmore, OK
Telephone: (580) 657-2047
FAX: (580) 657-2050
EMAIL: ccgh@cartercountyh
Tammy McArthur
Melissa OrtIz GHs #1 & #2 Ardmore
Robyn Ortiz GHs #3 & #4 Lone Grove
Jennifer Powell
49 Heritage
Ardmore, OK
Telephone: (580) 657-2047
FAX: (580) 657-2050
EMAIL: ccgh@cartercountyhome.com
HCC Donna Marris
516 Frisco Lane
Ardmore, OK
Telephone: (580) 226-8020
HCC Donna Marris
304 5th St. SW
Ardmore, OK
Telephone: (580) 223-8725
HCC Theresa Johnson
45 Heritage Street
Ardmore, OK
Telephone: (580) 657-4676
HCC Theresa Johnson
109 Blackberry Street
Lone Grove, OK
Telephone (580) 657-4707
KEYS APARTMENTS:For Independent Living - Disabled & Low Income Consumers:
For applications and availability, contact Administration Office. 12 Apartments
1. 106 3rd St. SW, Ardmore
2. 203 H NW, Ardmore
3. 423 I NW, Ardmore
Our mission is to empower people with disabilities, something we take incredibly seriously. To us, it means putting every effort and every resource possible into creating opportunities for people to succeed at whatever level they are capable of and in whatever arena they are passionate about. It’s our job to fight for those opportunit
Our mission is to empower people with disabilities, something we take incredibly seriously. To us, it means putting every effort and every resource possible into creating opportunities for people to succeed at whatever level they are capable of and in whatever arena they are passionate about. It’s our job to fight for those opportunities. It’s the essence of our mission and it’s the responsibility of everyone who works with or cares about people with disabilities.
• provide independent living skills training through community integrated activities to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a home-like environment;
• provide the best physical and emotional health and residential care to every individual served and develop the individual’s potential to the maximum;
• treat each individual with kindness, love, and fairness;
• provide each group home resident the opportunity to develop his/her physical, social, intellectual and emotional capabilities;
• provide each resident the opportunity to foster those behaviors and human qualities that enhance the resident’s abilities to cope in a community setting;
• constantly strive to integrate persons with intellectual disabilities into the community; and
• Advocate for all persons with intellectual disabilities.
Message from the Executive Director:
Hello friends and family, our primary goal is to assure that our consumers residential needs are met, followed by assuring that all their medical needs are met; Health and safety is of utmost importance to our agency. Then teaching them life skills needed to live independently, promote community inclusion, and prepare for and support them in community employment is part of our mission and long-term goal planning. Our Residents know they are safe in their environment, they are watched after, cared for, taken to their place of employment, to doctor appointments, activities, church events and out for dinner if they want and then back home to relax, do their laundry, and watch television privately or in their shared large living area. They have group dinner with their housemates; they have someone to properly give their medications to them, to tend to them if they are feeling ill and to assist them with grooming and bathing if necessary and to make sure those little things are taken care of even if it’s just tying that shoe. We are their family – although some have family that live near and come to visit often, this is their home to grow up independently in. We strive to expose them to new and interesting things and to let them experience ‘life’ outside of this immediate area. Some look forward to their annual vacations and have gotten to go out of state, some just a weekend in state or to a special concert – things that make them happy. Our residents are part of the Ardmore Angels Bell Choir that was started by one of our Board Members and attend Sunday school locally. Going on outings in the community or having community sponsors have been welcome programs our residents have enjoyed participating in. Many of our residents go bowling at the local bowling alley on a weekly basis. It is a great time to socialize with peers and of course win prizes and eat.
Located in LONE GROVE, OKLAHOMA just South of the Lone Grove US Post Office at the corner of US HWY 70 and Meridian
take service road west first drive way
turn in the JACKPOT BINGO parking lot
GROUP HOME OFFICE door on south side, use ramp entrance please
Copyright © 2025 CARTER COUNTY GROUP HOMES - All Rights Reserved.