OARC CARTER COUNTY, Inc. is a private non-profit organization established in 1969 to advocate for and provide services to persons with intellectual disabilities. Our projects include four group homes and three four-plexes for independent living and vocational program for service recipients integrated into the public setting.
Our four group homes each serve six adults with intellectual disabilities and employs four full time Resident Assistants and a Skills Trainer. Our goal is to provide the best environment for physical and emotional health, and residential care to all the Group Home residents and assist the residents in developing their maximum potential. The group homes offer 24-hour per day supervision, supportive assistance and training in daily living skills, lodging and nourishment to eligible consumers age 18 years and older. The group homes program patterns and conditions of everyday life are as close to norms and patterns of the mainstream of society as possible. The use of methods, practices and placements in meeting the needs of the individual are as least restrictive as possible in every aspect of training and living, with active planning to further reduce currently existing restrictions. The Agency offers a schedule of regularly planned recreation and leisure activities. Through Individual plans (IP), training is focused on self-help skills, attainment of everyday living skills within a household, coping skills, and interaction with the social and physical environmental demands of community life. The program provides transportation or ensures the availability of transportation to and from employment, sheltered workshops, medical appointments and recreational activities.
A semi-independent living program is provided for individuals who have achieved the necessary living skills to advance from the group homes, but have not exhibited skills required to function without some assistance. A Habilitation Training Specialist provides minimal supervision and assistance with their transition into the community. Attention to training is on individual self-help skills which include self-advocacy, home related skills, community awareness skills, all aspects of safety skills, leisure and recreational skills to work toward a more independent lifestyle in the community. The level and hours of training needed is determined by the individual’s Personal Support Team with the cooperation of the individual in the IP. Persons in the semi-independent living program may reside in any one of the KEYS Enabling Your Success, Inc.’s three four-plexes in various neighborhoods in the community.
Vocational Services are provided at Sunshine Industries, SOSE and Big Five with residents/consumers being employed through their supported employment programs, some in community integrated programs or are independently and gainfully employed in community based jobs. The Agency also assists consumers to access other services not directly supplied through the Agency.
KEYS APARTMENTSFor Independent Living - Disabled & Low Income Consumers For applications and availability, contact Administration Office 12 Apartments located in Ardmore, Oklahoma
Carter County Group Homes will continue our Mission by:
(1) enabling persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities to lead healthy, independent, and productive lives to the fullest extent possible;
(2) promoting the full exercise of their rights as citizens of their communities, state, and country; and
(3) promoting the integrity and well-being of their families.
(1) Independence. We help people fulfill their personal goals, needs, and desires with as little intrusion from paid workers as possible.
(A) People exercise control over their own lives to the fullest extent possible.
(B) Supports are authorized for essential needs.
(C) Adults are, to the fullest extent possible, supported in integrated jobs where they are fully involved with their coworkers and responsible to their employer for the work they do.
(D) Independence is maximized through assistive technology.
(2) Dignity. We respect the status of people we serve as citizens, coworkers, neighbors, and friends.
(A) Interactions with people are based on respect.
(B) People we serve exercise the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens.
(C) Supports are authorized on the basis of need and individual preference.
(D) People are not discriminated against because of their disability.
(E) People are not grouped by disabilities or segregated because of them.
(F) The resources of people are protected.
(G)Senior adults are supported in preferred activities typically experienced after retirement.
(3) Privacy. We honor each person's right, need, and desire for privacy.
(A) The confidentiality of each person is protected.
(B) People are ensured privacy in written, verbal or personal communications.
(C) People spend time alone or with friends when they wish.
(4) Individualization. We recognize and respond to the unique qualities, circumstances, and aspirations of each person.
(A) Services and interactions enhance the self- image and esteem of each person we serve.
(B) Each person's strengths, talents, and interests guide the provision of supports and services.
(C) People are encouraged to explore leisure pursuits that reflect personal interests and promote friendships with persons who do not have disabilities.
(5) Choice. We encourage people to make choices about their daily lives and services.
(A) People we serve and their guardians are the primary decision makers regarding issues affecting their lives.
(B) To the extent possible, people select their home and roommate(s).
(C) People are provided information about the possible results of their choices.
(D) Friends and advocates help people to make decisions when necessary.
(E) The assistance of a guardian is secured when a court determines that an individual lacks the capacity to make decisions essential to maintenance of health or resources.
(6) Health. We promote the health of individuals receiving services.
(A) People are assisted to understand their health needs and to secure treatment.
(B) The health needs of each person are met by appropriately licensed or certified community practitioners.
(C) Advocates and friends help to secure desired health services that are not available through private or public insurance.
(7) Safety. We promote the safety of people in all aspects of service delivery.
(A) People we serve are free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
(B) People providing supports display skills requisite to their responsibilities.
(C) Safety issues are always considered during the development, implementation, and evaluation of supports.
(D) People are protected from significant risk as a result of their choices.
(E) People live in safe homes.
(8) Learning. We support each person's ability to develop relationships and to participate in personally meaningful activities.
(A) Functional communication is a primary consideration in planning for and delivering supports.
(B) Safety, security, and respect are the basis of learning and teaching relationships.
(C) People are supported to gain independence and personal fulfillment while learning decision-making skills.
(D) Potential issues with health, relationships, and environment are explored and addressed prior to the implementation of restrictive services.
(E) Supports which address challenging behaviors:
(i) are positive;
(ii) use the least restrictive appropriate approach;
(iii) are designed and implemented with the participation and consent of the individual and guardian; and
(iv) focus on establishing bonds of companionship, trust, safety, and security between the person and those providing support.
(9) Family. We encourage each individual's development and maintenance of caring relationships.
(A) The lives of adults include their families to the extent adults desire.
(B) Services support the stability and well being of families formed by adults.
(C) Adults are encouraged to develop bonds with significant others.
(10) Inclusion. We support the integration of all people with developmental disabilities within their communities.
(A) Communities are encouraged to eliminate obstacles to the full inclusion of citizens with disabilities.
(B) People with disabilities use the same community resources as people who do not have disabilities.
(C) People contribute to and benefit from the enrichment of their communities through volunteer activities and membership in civic organizations.
The Carter County Group Homes admit residents without regard to race, creed, national origin, or religion. Following are guidelines for admission to Carter County Group Homes:
• The individual completes an application for Group Home placement. The individual will attach a current Psychological Evaluation and approval letter for Residential and Vocational Services. If not approved for Residential and Vocational Services, the individual and/or legal guardian will go to the DDS intake worker at the local DHS office to make application for services.
• The applicant must be at least 18 years of age.
• An applicant seeking admission is required to provide a medical and dental history and a psychological examination completed within the last year.
• When the application is received in the Group Home Office, the Director will review the application and if a vacancy exists, present the application to a committee Program Coordinators and/or Board Members.
• The committee of Program Coordinators and/or Board Members will review and make recommendations to the Director regarding admission to the Group Home.
• The Director will telephone the individual/legal guardian to set up a visit to the Group Home, preferably with an overnight stay. An overnight stay will give other residents and staff the opportunity to meet the individual being considered. Staff can also determine how well they may or may not interact well with the other consumers in the home.
• The Director will communicate with GH staff and other residents on the results of the visit and provide information to the committee in order for a decision on admittance to be made.
• If it appears the applicant is appropriate for group home placement, the applicant will be approved for admission on a 90 day trial basis. If, after the 90 days, the applicant does not appear to be adjusting to the group home life, the admissions committee and the group home staff will reevaluate the PST placement. If it is felt that the applicant is not appropriate for placement, the Director will notify the family or agency immediately.
Consumer fees
Fees required to be paid by the consumers of Carter County Group Homes include:
• Room and Board in the amount of $1,000.00 per month; A sliding Scale is income based on a range from $600 - $1,000 and OARC will subsidize if needed.
• all long distance calls made by the consumer;
• a share of the cable bill; and
• $ .52 a mile for transportation outside the State or that are not billable under the waiver program.
For Independent Living - Disabled & Low Income Consumers For applications and availability, contact Administration Office 12 Apartments located in Ardmore, Oklahoma
b. Copy of Identification Card ; c. Proof of all income ; d. Copy of last 6 months bank statements (if applic); e. Copy of Birth Certificate; f. Copy of Social Security Card
9. Agree to House Rules and Regulations and Pet Policies
10. Agree to Tenants Rights and Responsibilities
11. Agree to Non-Smoking Policy
12. Agree to provide landlord references
(As stated in OAC 340:100-6-95)
A copy of the Resident Rights is posted in each group home office and the Carter County Group Home Office in an area conspicuous to visitors, consumers and employees. A copy of the Resident Rights is provided each resident upon admission and contained in each policies and procedures manual. A statement of right and responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following rights and responsibilities.
(a) Each resident is responsible for making a room and board payment to the group home provider in accordance with the financial agreement.
(b) Unless otherwise indicated in the resident's Individual Plan, each resident is responsible for participation in meaningful activities, including employment, vocational training, or adult day services that occur outside the group home for a minimum of five hours per weekday.
(c) A statement of rights and responsibilities, developed by each group home, including, but not limited to, each resident's right to:
• (1) civil and religious liberties, including the right to independent personal decisions and knowledge of available choices that must not be infringed. The provider must encourage and assist in the exercise of these rights;
• (2) private communications and consultations with the resident's physician or attorney or any other person of the resident's choice, including sending and promptly receiving unopened personal mail;
• (3) without fear of reprisal, present grievances, and join with other residents or persons within or outside of the group home to work for improvements in resident care;
• (4) manage his or her financial affairs, unless the resident delegates the responsibility in writing, to the provider. The resident must have at least a quarterly accounting of any personal financial transactions undertaken on the resident's behalf by the group home provider during any period of time the resident delegates such responsibilities to the provider;
• (5) receive adequate and appropriate medical care consistent with established and recognized medical practice standards within the community. Each resident:
o (A) must be fully informed by the attending physician of his or her medical condition and proposed treatment in terms and language the resident can understand; and
o (B) has the right to refuse medication and treatment after being fully informed of and understanding the consequences of such actions;
• (6) respect and privacy in the resident's medical care program;
o (A) Discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment must remain confidential and be conducted discreetly.
o (B) Personal and medical records must be confidential;
• (7) retain and use personal clothing and possessions, unless prohibited by law, and security in the storage and use of such clothing and possessions;
• (8) be treated courteously and respectfully;
• (9) be free from mental and physical abuse, and free from physical and chemical restraints, except physical and chemical restraints authorized in writing by a physician, per Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) rules, for a specified period of time;
• (10) receive a statement of the group home provider guidelines and an explanation of the resident's responsibility to comply with all reasonable regulations of the group home and to respect the personal rights and private property of the other residents;
• (11) receive a statement, if adjudicated incapacitated, stating the rights and responsibilities provided in OAC 340:100-6-95 must be exercised by a court-appointed guardian;
• (12) privacy for conjugal visits. A resident may share a room with a spouse, if the spouse resides in the same group home;
• (13) all rights specified in OAC 340:100-3-1.2; and
• (14) not perform services for a group home provider, except for normal, shared household tasks.
(d) Upon admission of a resident and at least annually thereafter, or upon request, each resident and resident's advocate or legal guardian must be provided a copy of:
• (1) the resident's rights; and
• (2) procedures for grievances and appeal, per OAC 340:2-3-54.
An individual resident at Carter County Group Home is expected or expected to learn (unless precluded by physical/psychological or developmental disability) to:
1. function within the rules and regulations of the home and community as made known to the resident;
2. respect the rights and property of other individuals and staff;
3. participate in the resident’s treatment and training plan to the extent of his/her ability;
4. provide adequate physical care for him/herself, if able;
5. complete normal housekeeping tasks as would be appropriate if living at home;
6. smoke only in designated areas;
7. participate in required facility fire, tornado, and disaster drills (safety training)
8. Maintain matches or lighters only as permitted.
An individual residing at Carter County Group Homes is expected or expected to learn (unless precluded by physical/psychological/developmental disability) not to:
1. disrupt other’s activities;
2. threaten other individuals or staff;
3. harm him/herself in any way;
4. harm other individuals or staff in any way;
5. take things that do not belong to the resident;
6. borrow anything without permission;
7. touch another person in any way not acceptable to the other person;
8. eat food provided for another individual;
9. enter another individual’s room without permission;
10. absence oneself from supervision which might result in harm or threat of harm;
11. destroy or damage property; and/or
12. perform any act that is illegal.
When an individual’s inappropriate behavior is interfering with the individual’s growth, independence or development, or poses a threat to others, the Director will request a psychologist complete a functional assessment of behavior problems to determine the conditions that lead to the behavior and the environmental conditions which maintain it. The psychologist determines alternate responses for the individual and recommends environmental alterations and intervention strategies. The PST then selects an implementation plan based on the psychologist’s recommendations. Strategies for treatment will be considered in the following order:
1. alter environmental conditions;
2. teach alternative communication responses;
3. provide alternate reinforcement and sensory stimulation;
4. use response interruption and redirection;
5. use moderately restrictive procedures;
6. physically intrusive procedures; and/or
7. Psychotropic medications.
Once the plan has been selected, the level of intrusiveness is determined and a written plan developed following procedures in the Behavior Management policy and procedure.
If continual threat to self or others is made and all other methods have been exhausted. If parents, guardians and/or Case Managers and team cannot or do not agree with plan of care, then a 30 day notice of termination of service can and will be written and served for alternative living arrangements for individual. It is the primary goal of the organization to protect all residents of the organization.
The purpose of this policy is to define the acceptable and unacceptable uses of Internet, email and social media involving Carter County Group Homes and Residents of Carter County Group Homes.
Acceptable Uses:
• Communications with Co-workers, contract or regulating entities, parents, professionals and other customers regarding matters within employees assigned duties.
• Research or information related to, or designed to facilitate performance of employee’s regularly assigned duties or of task assigned by employee’s supervisor.
Unacceptable Uses:
• Downloading, copying, printing, or distributing any materials violating copyright laws.
• Sending, receiving, printing, or distributing confidential client information, or other information in violation of agency policies.
• Accessing, creating, transmitting, printing, or downloading material that is derogatory, defamatory, obscene, or offensive (i.e., slurs, epithets, anything that may be construed as harassment/disparagement based on race, national origin, gender, age, disability, or religious affiliation)
• Accessing, sending receiving, or soliciting sexually explicit messages or images.
• Operating business or soliciting money for personal gain, or searching for outside employment.
• Transmitting personal comments or statements through email or posting information to any news group (internet or otherwise), bulletin board, chat room or any other internet location that may be mistaken as representing Carter County Group Homes.
• Playing games for personal leisure, sending chain letters, gambling, participating in pyramid schemes, or engaging in any activity that violates local, state, or federal law.
C. Downloading Software and Audio Files
• To minimize the risk of virus infection and to assure no copyright laws are violated; software and audio files may not be downloaded without prior supervisory authorization.
D. Access to Information Requiring a Subscription or User Fee
• Internet provides access to many sites that charge subscription user fees. No employee is authorized to incur such charges or fees without prior supervisory authorization.
E. Privacy
• Users of Carter County Group Homes internet access and email do not have an expectation of privacy. All messages created, sent or retrieved, are agency property and are subject to supervisory monitoring. Employees are prohibited from encrypting and/or blocking
access to files on computers. CCGH may restrict access to any sites deemed unnecessary for business purposes.
F. Discipline
• Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or employment. Illegal activity conducted by an employee using CCGH systems will be reported to law enforcement officials.
G. Social Media Use
• Social media applications have become increasingly important arenas for the kind of engagement and communication that are vital to our mission. While CCGH encourages all employees to join a global conversation, it is important for staff to understand what is recommended, expected, and required when they discuss agency related topics, whether at work or on their own time.
• Any social media activity is a permanent public record. It is the same as writing a signed letter in the agency’s name to the editor of a newspaper that will be archived permanently.
• Only staff authorized to do so by the Director may speak on behalf of Carter Co. Group Homes or update the agency’s presence on a social network. Unless authorized to speak for our agency, staff are representing only themselves when communicating through social media.
• Engagement in social media will be solely handled by the Executive Director and Board of Directors.
• CCGH strongly discourages the use of anonymous postings or the use of pseudonyms when employees participate in online conversations, posts or comments that relate to CCGH or issues with which our agency is engaged.
• CCGH respects the employees’ right to free speech. Employees are free to express themselves and their opinions in whatever way they see fit as long as they are clearly representing themselves as individuals and not speaking as employees of the agency or referring to the agency in any way, and as long as they fully comply with the confidentiality and ethics policies.
• Employees shall be sure that what they say electronically is factually correct and does not include inflammatory statements or attempt to engage in an aggressive or defensive way. If an employee sees misrepresentations made about the agency by media, analysts, or other online users, they shall inform an authorized spokesperson. That spokesperson will decide if or how to respond.
• Each individual has the right to privacy, which includes the regulation of how/when employees produce photographs/videos of individuals on any phone, tablet, computer or any other imaging device without written consent of the individual, guardian and Executive Director. To obtain such permission, please consult with your supervisor.
Copyright © 2025 CARTER COUNTY GROUP HOMES - All Rights Reserved.